This “Prostate-Shrinking Chew Candy” Is Like
Nothing You’ve Ever Seen: Top Affs Expect 6 Figures
In Less Than A Week

  • Converts like crazy on Email, Native, Youtube, and Facebook
  • VSL written by a team of A-list copywriters with tens of winners on ClickBank
  • Unique medical mechanism and formula, backed by strong science
  • $3+ average EPCs
  • Instant Commission Bump for volume and proven affs

FlowForce Max: What’s up?

The prostate and urinary tract are warm and moist environments, perfect for fungus and mold to grow and thrive. This causes an infection called “Fungal Prostatitis”, which eventually leads to an inflamed prostate.

FlowForce Max is a “prostate-shrinking soft candy” that helps clear out the fungus that actually causes BPH, both from the prostate and the urinary tract.

We made sure the formula has great bioavailability so that every ingredient could get delivered to the urinary tract fast, resulting in rapid relief.

So what will the men in your audience enjoy?

No longer feeling the constant need to pee. And when they do pee, they’ll have a powerful and steady flow. Even better, it’s not just the urine flow that’ll be improved. They’ll have better blood flow to their penis too and start enjoying powerful, rock-hard erections again.

And lastly, they’ll be ridding their bodies of the dangerous fungus that is causing their fatigue, low energy, hair loss, and many of the other things they’re suffering with.

Who is it for?

FlowForce Max is a great fit for men, ages 45+, who are dealing with an enlarged, swollen prostate. They are often also dealing with sexual performance issues like ED.
This includes men interested in:

  • Alternative BPH solutions;
  • Alternative ED remedies;
  • Remedies for low libido;
  • Full body detoxification.

What you’ll get:

Affiliates have been reporting an average of $3 EPC.
If you have volume, you can also get a bump in commissions.

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Traffic Restrictions

NOTICE: All Affiliate advertising must NOT include content that is deceptive, misleading, untruthful, unsubstantiated, or otherwise fails to comply with applicable federal and state consumer protection laws, regulations, and guidelines.

  1. Affiliates are NOT permitted to use ANY FlowForce Max before and after photos or user testimonials in their promotions.
  2. Affiliates may also not run ads on Google Adwords (or any Google property) by bidding on "FlowForce Max" based keywords, use the term "FlowForce Max" in any pay per click ads (NO BRAND BIDDING!), use any terminology in ads or landing pages that are similar to "scam" or "fraud", or create customer incentives for purchasing FlowForce Max (through cash rebates or 3rd party bonus offers - NO BONUSING!).
  3. Affiliates are forbidden from creating webpages, social media pages or accounts that falsely represent themselves as the creators or owners of the FlowForce Max product and must make it clear that the page is a REVIEW page and you're being compensated for the review.
  4. Affiliates are not allowed to publish or distribute Press Releases FlowForce Max in any way, shape, or form on any press release platform, website, in printed media, or on any other press release service.
  5. You are not allowed to promote FlowForce Max on retail sites, auction sites, or app stores such as Amazon, eBay, Google Store, iTunes, or any other site that falls into these categories, in any way, shape, or form (this includes products created by you or by us). As well, selling products branded with the FlowForce Max brand on Craigslist, Kijiji, or any other classified ad network is forbidden.
  6. Affiliates may not bypass FlowForce Max pages to generate orders. In other words, no direct linking to cart or order forms from any ads or landing pages. The customer must see our offer as presented by us prior to landing on the cart.
  7. Affiliates may NOT employ spying tools for the intention of duplicating successful advertisements. Utilising duplicate advertisements or landing pages will result in the suspension of your account without prior notification.
  8. Affiliates are strictly prohibited from utilizing adware as a means of advertising FlowForce Max.

*** Any affiliate caught breaking any of these terms will be banned immediately without hesitation, and will not be eligible for reinstatement. ***

Let’s chat!

Contact our super friendly affiliate management team by writing an email to [email protected] to get your hoplinks, affiliate resources and promotional guidelines.

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